Fix My Online

All in one


Fix My Online

All in one


The Fix My Online Software has been in development for over 2 years. We have discovered and implemented everything our clients need in order to provide a completely immersive experience.

You can learn more about our new software, and how it could work for you, on our website launching soon.


We do things differently and believe in having a ”less but better“ approach in our design and number of active clients. We love partnering with those who are willing to think outside-the-box and push the envelope with a bold creative approach.


Delivering a complete development solutions built entirely around your business’s needs and objectives.

Our team is made up of 7+ developers working within all major programming languages and frameworks.

Digital Marketing

Build relationships and share your company values with well-crafted content tailored to your brand and target audience.

Accelerate business growth and profit with tried and tested digital marketing methods, including SEO, PPC, social media and more.

We create digital experiences

that excite and inspire

We are a team of professional designers, developers, marketers and IT specialists combining our knowledge and expertise to create exceptional designs and strategies, tailored to your business’s needs and requirements.

Tell us about your goal and we’ll show you how you can achieve it. Whatever your project, we’d love to be involved.


Give us a call

07480 787343

Send us an email

Visit us someday

Fix My Online

The Victoria

Millmead Road



Millmead Rd, Bath BA2 3JW, UK